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How we started...

​  "Sometimes several ideas come together to provide inspiration. In Feb, 2013 I attended a teacher conference and one of the sessions was a presentation by Northern Light School Division. They have a program where students mentor students to foster service learning. At this session, three lead students talked about some of the projects they have been involved in and how their actions have led the way in inspiring their school and community into action because of their leadership at the school level and beyond. 
  Why could we not have a similar program in School of Hope? Our school is a Christian school and we too, have talented students who could take on a leadership role, planning and carrying out projects to give a helping hand to those in need. In addition, students who participate would develop their leadership and public speaking skills. We have the technology to work together, no matter where we live in the province. 
  Coincidentally, another of our teachers, Denise Kissel, is very interested in service trips and in projects to help others and was excited about the idea of a student leadership
club blossoming in our school. Unbeknown to either of us, Angela VandenBroek, another School of Hope teacher, had attended a 'Me to We' conference in the fall with the idea of learning a bit more about the program and to see if our school might become involved.(Me to We has a student leadership program.)"Me to We is about transforming people into world changers, one action and one experience at a time."
 We approached our school administration and they were very supportive of a student leadership club. To that end, we put out an ad in our school 'Announce' and on our school calender. Our first meeting was Wed. April 17th, 2013 and since then we have a student executive in place and have been meeting on a regular basis. The group chose the club name and a School of Hope student created the club logo. The Club is up and running!" From Mrs. JM.




Are you a junior or senior high school student who aspires to make a difference in our school, in your community and our world?
Are you looking for a way to develop your leadership skills? 
Are you ready to plan and lead social justice projects?
Are you interested in creating and leading liturgies for School of Hope students? 
Become a part of Hands of Hope Leadership Club!


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